Dear Guests!
Some of you could get round to the information from different sources, or personally got aware, that Szimpla Café is altering now. It's definitely getting in a much more juvenile and casual shape, but naturally it also keeps the traditional Szimpla profile, that you've got used to in these several years. In the previous post you can see some cool photos from the place with the mentioned changes, just to make you all have a bit of feeling of the new look. Please continue visiting Szimpla, to get all the great experiences from our exhibitions, every week concerts, and other features in the Kertész avenue. And still...
...Keep chillin' simply in Szimpla!!
VálaszTörlésSzerintem futtassátok át ezt még egyszer egy angol anyanyelvűvel/lektorral.
A felújításhoz-megújuláshoz pedig sok szerencsét! :)